Why Choose a Coach -This Time?
Therapy is fantastic and has its place, you can have it alongside coaching, even to work through traumatic or upsetting events in your past.
But counselling isn't for everyone. And for others there comes a time when looking backwards has them feel more lost and stuck. I have had a lot of therapy, done the work, and at times felt that frustration of trying to find a cause for everything.
Sometimes it just is.
My relationships with my family members, for example, improved a great deal when the time came for me to move away from therapy and start looking forwards instead - without blame, guilt or shame.
Coaching helps illuminate your pathway forwards from lost. Until you're ticking things from the to-do list that may have been there for years. And until, like me, you're suddely living your #vanlife dreams - or whatever dreams you may have. My dreams took the two kids and I through 18 countries in two years - where will yours take you given the chance? A thriving business? A healthier body? Experiencing less pain and fatigue?
I can't wait to come along for the ride and find out!

15 years working as a nurse
Trained with London South bank University and Great Ormond Street I have worked in some of the best hospitals in the world. But also in SEN schools, nurseries and homes.
You have the wealth of this experience.
Whether seeking FREE support or VIP care I'll meet you where you're at with a tonne of value
The one thing clients and connections have always agreed on, whether I worked as a coach, nurse or marketer to five star reviews, is - I give away too much value. It can be yours too.
ICF Neurodivergent Specialist Coach
Wanting the best for you when my coach told me 'there is no neurodivergent specific training' I set out to find some. And ended up training until 3 am every week for 6 months thanks to finding a course - but based in America.
The Brilliantly You app brings you community, support and tools straight to your pocket
There's no need to move from the couch to access the programs and tools you are after to lose the fatigue and overwhelm. So you can say goodbye to burnout for the last time!

Why you want to choose me?
Because I choose you! You're the expert in your own life - I'll prove it, one small win at a time.

I am AuDHD, Queer, Biracial, solo parent, home educator...
Can I tick any more 'outsider' boxes? I know what it is to be looking in on the life you want.
In my 30s I couldn't walk to the end of the road
I was in so much pain and on high dose codeine. I had 11 operations in 6 years. Everytime I went to the doctor I got another diagnosis. From colonic irrigation to chinese medicine I tried them all.
And every time they assured me they could fix me.
But they didn't. I did. I started making my own choices and showing up in my life in a way that felt right...
But it's not as easyas removing a mask. The whole fundamental tower of me was made with bricks that weren't my own. I had to rebuild myself and then fall in love with that person. And to do that I had help. And in doing so, I picked up even more tools along the way.
My dream is to prevent others from going through what I did by sharing these tools.
Would you like to improve your life? To move away from physical or emotional pain? I can help. I don't take any painkillers most days now, and not opioids. A miracle, as I never had that cutting edge surgery through my buttock in France, or the open heart surgery on my diaphragm I was recommended by the top Harley Street Professor. Yep, true story.
Maybe this will be the last time you look for help...